Monday, March 9, 2009


Judging by the past few days, spring may actually come to the Midwest soon! I mean sure, it snowed last night, but I'm still holding out hope for March to go out like a lamb. I'm looking forward to having light lasting into the evening, open windows letting a breeze through and everything slowly turning green again.

And the rain. My favorite part of spring might be the showers. I love a good stormy day.

1 comment:

  1. The birds are out today. I have my windows open for some fresh air. Sure, it may only be 40 outside, but it's so nice to smell the crisp breeze!

    I need to start planning my container gardens. I'm not ready to do that yet so I'm hoping spring can wait just a leeettlllle bit longer. Just a tiny tiny bit. Nothing too long.


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