Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dave Eggers and Valentino Achak Deng

In his book What is the What, Dave Eggers tells a story based on the life of Sudanese refugee Valentino Achak Deng. Deng fled the Sudan as a young boy in the 1980s, growing up in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia.

Wednesday evening Eggers and Deng will be speaking on the UW-Madison campus as part of the Humanities Without Borders lecture series. Find event details here.


  1. An amazing heartbreaking and humbling book!

  2. God/dess bless you both. I read the book and cried so many times. It's not just about the lost boys. It's about humanity. I'm a musician/singer and I must find a way to contribute to our humanity ... and I will. God/dess belss you both.

  3. Just read this book. Laughed. Cried. So eye opening. So glad Valentino decided to share it with us. Best story I've ever read. Remarkably well written and what is so sad is that every single word is true. It is humbling and heartening to see what a boy - a human being - and what thousands upon thousands can survive.

  4. First I thank you both for the book.. I like the book.. I'm a southerners my self, most part of the book remind me my childhood when I was in Sudan. this book mean alot to me and my study.. I'm going to presented to my class as soon as posible.


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